
Fitely Blog



Group Classes: Which One is Right for you?

Clueless as to which group class you should go for? Totally fine, we’ve all been there! There is no right or wrong answer, it solely depends on what you want to get out of a class and it varies accordingly. There are so many gyms in Amman, it could get overwhelming e...



The Keto Diet is Still Going Strong

We all thought that this year we will be able to wholeheartedly say that the Ketogenic Diet is “so 2019”, but no it is still going and running on full force taking over our lifestyles, social media and conversations.


Restaurants in Amman are upgradi...



How to do Intermittent Fasting right

Intermittent fasting is officially, totally a thing now. For some people maybe, it’s more like “Oh, you mean Ramadan?” Well, not technically there is actually a difference. If you’re one of those people who haven’t dared to try what may sound to be this excruciating...