
How to do Intermittent Fasting right

  • 30/04/2020

Intermittent fasting is officially, totally a thing now. For some people maybe, it’s more like “Oh, you mean Ramadan?” Well, not technically there is actually a difference. If you’re one of those people who haven’t dared to try what may sound to be this excruciating eating pattern, it’s actually not that bad and extremely healthy. In a nutshell, intermittent fasting requires not eating anything for most of the day - water, coffee, tea is allowed. If you want to do your body a favor, consider intermittent fasting, and here’s why: if you’re on any sort of diet or adopting a healthier lifestyle, intermittent fasting can aid in your fat burning and lowers your blood sugar levels. Basically, your body functions on the remaining sugar and fat that is left from the day before, burns it all, and therefore speeds up your weight loss process.


The rule to doing intermittent fasting is doing it right, and with that comes not overdoing it - mainly so you don’t get bored of it. The recommended fasting hours are anywhere between 12-18 - sleeping hours included, some people exceed those hours but that does not give you much time left to eat all your meals. Here’s how it works:


If you choose to fast for 16 hours, you have to finish all your eating within 8 hours before you start again; 18-hour fasts give you 6 hours to eat. Let’s presume you’re doing the 18-hour fasts and you stop eating at 7 PM, that means the next day you will also stop eating at 7 PM which means you can start eating at 1 PM. The simplest formula to determine when your fasting should end is: 


Time fasting started the day before - number of eating hours depending on your fast


If you are already doing intermittent fasting, good on you! If you’re willing to try it, good on you also! If you’re skeptical about it that's fine, at least fast for 16-18 hours when you have a heavy cheat meal that you felt guilty about, to stay on the right track of your diet, and you actually won’t get affected much! Fun fact: Models fast to stay fit!