
Best time to workout in Ramadan

  • 20/04/2021

Whether it's to lose weight or maintain your weight, working out in Ramadan is tough and has its challenges. One of the biggest debates in Ramadan is whether to workout prior to Iftar or after it. Generally working out earlier in the day in Ramadan isn't recommended as it would lead to hunger and dehydration. 


Exercising an hour before Iftar would allow you to reap the benefits of exercising on an empty stomach. One of the main advantages is that you burn more fat. Your body doesn't have a lot of sugar stored, therefore it taps into your stored energy which results in burning excess or surplus fat. 


However, if your exercise goal is to improve your strength or speed for instance, then working out prior to Iftar might not be your best option as your body doesn't have enough energy to do so. Furthermore, working out before Iftar might cause fatigue and dizziness, in which case it would be best to stop your workout. 


Working out 2 - 3 hours after breaking your fast is the best time if you feel drained before Iftar. This would allow your body to get energized, hydrated and to digest the food. At this time, you can go for any type of workout you want whether it's a boxing workout with your own boxing gear which can be found in our Fit Store or weight training or even yoga. Combining cardio workouts with strength training would allow you to maintain or increase muscle mass whilst decreasing body fat. 


Another option that you can opt for is having a light meal at Iftar such as soup and salad, then leaving the rest of the meal after your workout. Or you can opt for a snack such as a protein bar that you can get from Fitely’s Fit Store or even some dates from our Fresh Market to keep you energized. 


Some people feel drained after Iftar and would prefer a pre- Iftar workout. Both options have  their pros and cons but you really need to listen to your body and do what suits you best!