
5 Workouts For Your Entire Body That You Can Do With Just Resistance Bands

  • 30/06/2020

It’s not news anymore that home workouts is all we’ve got for the time being, and at least for the next quarter of this year thanks to the coronavirus that’s taken the world by a storm. Jordan is doing well in comparison to the rest of the world, but it is safe to say the gyms in Amman won’t be open anytime soon for precautionary purposes. If you’re about the look-good-feel-good life, then listen up, because it does come with a bonus - it won’t cost you expensive exercise equipment, just good ol’ affordable resistance bands that go hand in hand with your weight loss, strength training and toning your entire body.


Fire Hydrant


This killer glute workout is best effective when using resistance bands to increase power and intensity, and if you’re just starting out you can pick a more elastic resistance band with the same set and slowly work your way up. Fire hydrants are a very productive way to burn unwanted fat in the glutes area, lifting them up if you want to achieve firmness.




When you’re doing squats to target strength and toning from the waist down and your core area while you’re at it, resistance bands will maximize their efficiency. If you want to challenge yourself extra hard, then a resistance band set is for you to control the intensity you wish to go for. Especially with squats, your body won’t be the same everyday and sometimes you’re going to feel like you want to do more or less in terms of power.


Bicep Curls:


The best way to either tone or strengthen those biceps is by controlling the resistance band with both your feet on the ground and stepping on them to keep them in place. Bicep curls work best with open resistance bands so you have better control of your grip when you curl your biceps to avoid them slipping from your fingers.


Lat Pull-down


You can easily do lat pull-downs with a resistance band set that have different elasticity levels to control strength and power, this workout is great to strengthen and sculpt your upper body. Lat pull-downs are usually done by raising your arms over your head while they remain parallel to your body, and then lowering them down by your hips. To get the most out of your workout, make sure your arms are placed upright without bending them, and go as slow as you possibly can.



Just like the fire hydrants, kickbacks are best done using a resistance bands set that allows you to be in control of the workout’s intensity, getting a good amount of hip action in return. Kickbacks are great to target glutes and hips, so you want to make sure the resistance bands you’re using have options in terms of strength, which will give you more say in your workout’s intensity.