
Foods That Make You Happy And Improve Your Mood

  • 30/06/2020

We are all familiar with dopamine when it is related to exercise, but not so much when it comes to food. If you were ever wondering how someone could possibly be addicted to going to the gym, it is because they’re keen on getting their daily dopamine fix. Dopamine is basically a happy hormone, that your body releases through utmost exhaustion while working out - and when you start feeling it regularly, there is no going back and you won’t ever imagine yourself without it! Good news ladies and gents, because that happy pill we give ourselves can be also done through eating certain foods, and we’re not talking about everybody’s favorite junk food therapy, there are healthy alternatives high in tyrosine which is the amino acid that aids in the production of dopamine. Here are 4 foods that can boost your dopamine and hence make you oh so happy:


  • Meats, dairy and vegan proteins

Protein sources such as eggs, poultry, meat and seafood which are high in tyrosine which increases your chances at upping your dopamine game. Good news for those who are strictly vegans, there are proteins such as soya, beans and legumes that are also high in the same magic ingredients to achieve the same effect for a happier soul and body.


  • Nuts 

Tyrosine makes a significant appearance in nuts, which is essential for boosting dopamine levels in the body. Seriously though, doesn’t a bowl of nuts just make you extremely happy? Well they don’t only make us feel amazing because they are absolutely delicious, but also because of the scientifically proven fact that they do promote a higher production of dopamine than other foods.


  • Chocolates

This one makes the list as it is a no-brainer. No wonder chocolates can cure just about any bad mood, it is not only because they are extremely satisfying to our sweet teeth, but also because cocoa naturally produces serotonin, that is used in most antidepressants, that cooperates with our brain cells to release dopamine in our body. Keep in mind though, that this is especially effective with dark chocolate. 


  • Fruits 

The consumption of almost all fruits do make us feel happy without us even knowing, and that is true especially with bananas and strawberries. You can actually significantly improve your mental wellbeing by eating a few bananas a week, as it contains high levels of natural dopamine. Strawberries also makes us feel good as they contain the needed nutrients that help encourage the production of serotonin and dopamine.