
How Nuts Can Help You Achieve Your Body Goals

  • 31/07/2020

What everybody knows about nuts is that they for one are delicious, but also extremely therapeutic to munch on. If you’re a nuts lover and on a healthy lifestyle, then this reading is for you. What you might not know about nuts is that they actually can help boost your metabolism which in return will help you burn fat and lose weight, especially in the belly area. While you’re here, grab a bowl of nuts because we’re about to break some truths on how nuts can help you get those body goals:


Their calories:

Nuts are high in calories, but the good kind of high in calories. Now don’t go nuts on the amount - no pun intended, make sure you only consume a handful of them daily. Cashew nuts for example are rich in protein, which is essential for any diet and especially when trying to lose weight. They are filled with magnesium that helps balance out your carbs and fat stored in your body, and therefore quickens that metabolism of yours. 


They keep hunger at bay:

It is always recommended to add a snack in between your meal to keep telling your body that you are not hungry, and keeps you away from starvation mode. Snacking on a handful of nuts will keep you satisfied throughout the day, also because they are high in protein that helps you stay full, which will prevent you from cheating on your healthy diet keeping you on the right track to achieve that physique you’ve been longing for.


The good kind of fat:

Nuts like walnuts and almonds for instance, are rich in unsaturated fat - which is the good stuff your body needs to burn the bad fat. This is especially relevant if you’re on a fat based diet like the keto diet, which highly depends on your intake of fat for your energy that helps you burn a whole lot of it.


Dietary fibre:

We all know that fiber is essential for your weight loss progress as it helps boost your metabolism and digestion. Dietary fibre is found in wholeweats, vegetables and nuts as well. The great thing about fibre is not only that it helps burn stubborn belly fat, but also makes you feel full even when you have it in little amounts.