
Yoga Practice Treats Anxiety And Depression, Here’s How:

  • 31/07/2020

Your mental wellbeing is very important, and that shouldn’t be news to you. We’ve all seen yogis on Instagram and their philosophies on life, and at times may have thought they were exaggerated or that the entire practice is overrated. Yoga helps your mental health in every way, boosts your mood and relaxation, and treats the most common mental issues amongst millennials - depression and anxiety. Whether you need yoga or you think you don’t, you won’t be able to leave this reading without signing up for a class or buying yourself a yoga mat to practice in the comfort of your own home; we have great options for yoga mats and blocks in our store that you can check out. 


Yoga increases your happy hormone serotonin, which makes everything better


Scientifically speaking, you need serotonin - the happiness hormone for a healthy mental wellbeing and contentment in your life. Depression in Jordan is very common; it is due to the lack of serotonin in the brain, and antidepressants that we all know of help boost the production of the happy hormone. When it comes to yoga against depression, it is proven that regular practice can naturally increase serotonin levels by meditation, doing certain poses and breathing techniques during the practice, which activates your mind in ways you had no idea were even possible.


Yoga lowers stress and anxiety


We all have mental breakdowns from time to time, and if we’re lucky enough to have a caring person near us they usually tell us to take a deep breath. Ever noticed how that alone is calming? Yoga is considered as one of the most effective mental exercises for anxiety. Mental stress can highly affect pressure in your muscles and bones, and yoga focuses on controlled breathing exercises that aid in releasing stress in your entire body with the help of particular poses, which in return relaxes you and frees any tension you might be suffering from. 


Yoga helps you get better quality of sleep


Professionals usually recommend no less than 7 hours of sleep every night; have you ever felt that you’re getting the recommended quantity of hours but yet still feel tired when you wake up? That is because you’re getting quantity but not quality of sleep. You do know that your subconscious mind is wide awake while you’re sleeping, and if you suffer from more stressful days than not, your subconscious mind remains actively under pressure while you’re sleeping causing you to feel tired and grumpy in the morning when you wake up. Yoga causes your body to be distracted by the tiredness you may feel during every workout and with the help of the right breathing techniques which exhausts your body in every good way, your subconscious would be trained to only think about getting all the rest it needs which will allow you to sleep like a baby.


You are guaranteed to be a much happier and calmer person when you practice yoga regularly, and expect to up your emotional intelligence game immensely. Yoga also helps you get a very fit, strong and flexible physique, and that alone will increase your confidence in your body which you have every reason to be happy about; we don’t know about you but it sounds like a win-win!