
Benefits of using resistance bands during exercise

  • 30/09/2020

Benefits of using resistance bands during exercise


Whether it's a home workout or a gym workout, resistance bands are the way to go. It can be considered an alternative to free weights but it definitely has some undeniable fitness benefits. 


Target multiple muscle groups for better shape 

Resistance bands offer a wide range of exercises that target several muscle groups. You can have a full upper body, lower body or abs workout with only using a resistance band. Whether its leg abductions, hamstring curls, bent over rows or reverse crunches it can all be done simply with using a resistance band. With free weights, your muscles sometimes wouldn't be performing much work due to the lack of gravity while with resistance bands you wouldn't face that at all. 



Rather than purchasing a huge variety of fitness accessories each suited to a certain muscle group of the body,you can simply purchase resistance bands and use it for all your muscles for a cheaper price!


Less chance of injury than using free weights

With resistance bands, you can stimulate all your muscles with a less chance of injury as it does not place a lot of force on your joints. This is great news for those who have any joint pain & injuries as it allows them to perform exercises with resistance bands that they wouldn't have been able to do otherwise. 

Suitable for all fitness levels

Resistance bands don’t apply pressure the way that weights do which makes it much safer, which makes it perfect for everyone! You can adjust the resistance levels by using less or more of the resistance band itself in some cases. In other cases, resistance bands are sold in a set with different levels which allows you to increase the resistance as you go. Check out the wide collection of resistance bands that we have on our website and let's get started!


Improve your fitness level

Even though resistance bands are suitable for all fitness levels, the resistance, instability and load that it provides are very effective. You can combine resistance bands with weights at the same time in the same exercise to take it to the next level. For example, you can use a dumbbell or kettlebell and place resistance bands on your thighs.